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Wichita Cosmetic Dentistry

Healthy and Beautiful Smiles for Life: Our Cosmetic Dentists Set the Standard for Advanced Care in Wichita

The term “cosmetic dentistry” applies to the enhancement of a smile through a combination of methods including:

In designing a new smile, our cosmetic dentists take into account the entire face: eyes, lip line, coloring, gum tissue contour, and many other aspects. The goal is to redesign a smile that fits you—one that is beautiful, strong, and natural looking.

A smile designed by our cosmetic dentists is truly a work of art.
Browse our Smile Gallery to see how our doctors have improved the function and appearance of our patients’ overall health.

Cosmetic Dentistry: More Than Just Beautiful Smiles—Healthier Smiles, Too

Many patients come to our doctors because they need a cosmetic dentist who can fix degraded tooth function and difficulty in chewing effectively. Crowded teeth, poor dental care, and the age of your teeth can all contribute to this condition.

When your teeth are out of ideal alignment, destructive forces begin to attack the teeth. Every time your jaw closes, the damage continues. Tooth breakage and jaw, neck and head pain often ensue.

In addressing and correcting these problems, not only do patients find relief, improved function and better oral health, but they are also delighted to achieve a beautiful smile line, increased self-confidence and more youthful appearance!

Cosmetic dentistry can solve most dental aesthetic issues:

There are many technologies available to us, depending on our patients’ priorities, values and expectations. These technologies include dental implant placement, bridgework, partial or full dentures.

Contact Us About Cosmetic Dentistry in Wichita

Have questions about any of our cosmetic dentistry procedures? We’re happy to answer them. Give us a call today at (316) 634-0990. You can also use the form to schedule a consultation.

White Teeth with Clear Retainer

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