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Cavity & Gum Disease Prevention

Simple Steps to Disease Prevention

Good daily habits can lead to a lifetime of healthy teeth. Brushing and cleaning between the teeth are essential in keeping plaque biofilm away. To correctly brush, hold your toothbrush bristles at a 45 degree angle at the gumline. Brush the teeth and gums gently in a circular motion for 1 minute on the top teeth, and 1 minute on the bottom teeth. Cleaning between the teeth is accomplished by using floss, picks, or water jets. To floss correctly, us a small section of the floss string, or floss on a holder, and move the floss up and down in the area between each tooth and gum. Picks and water jets are used between the teeth and around the gums. Limiting frequent starchy snacks and sugary drinks keeps cavity-causing acid off teeth.

Using a toothpaste with fluoride is necessary for cavity prevention. Fluoride is a mineral found in enamel that helps to keep the tooth strong when used daily. Those that are at a high risk for developing cavities may require stronger doses of fluoride for optimal protection.

Oral Health Tools

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